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The art from the Sickly Tarot comprise 110 original drawings completed by JARS over a ten year period. Using nothing but black gel pens, these illustrations were completed entirely around the concept "pen to paper" - no pencil marks as a guide, no straight edge or rulers, no tracing, no white-out. The closest form of guide are (usually) 2 rough drafts per face at about an eighth of the final size (11 x 17 inch) and the cyan grid of Canson eighth-inch graph paper.


Each card is genuine in its integrity and its value is impossible to organise. Some pieces took up to 140 hours to complete, other were drawn in a day. Some are simple, some complex, some are stoic and some are filigree.


Like in game play, any given card can become invaluable to its owner at a particular moment.


If you are interested in purchasing an original Sickly Tarot drawing, please contact us via email: info [@]

© 2023 by Alpine Ruin.
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